Welcome to Newbit Group

Newbit is an independent fund administrator to provide fully integrated services with high-end technology and provide reports in both Chinese and English languages to our APAC and international clients.

High Flexibility
Effective Regulaion
Efficient Teamwork
Meticulous Service
Singular Focused
Compliance Standard

About Us

Newbit is an independent fund administrator to provide fully integrated services, including fund launch support, central fund administration solution, transfer agency service and shadow NAV assistance. Newbit is going to start trustee services to our customers.

With well consideration of data privacy and global standards of fund administration procedures, Newbit drives our business with high-end technology to meet our clients’ needs and provides reports in both Chinese and English languages. Newbit becomes the first fund administrator to provide both web-based client portal and mobile APP platform.

Asian based service provider, expertise cooperates with Chinese institution

Newbit Group provides service with professionalism. We understand the importance of continuity and legacy planning with the depth of financial service experience. Our teams ensure clients are always positioned to best meet own objectives.

Singapore and Hong Kong Branches

With our network of offices among Asia, we are able to provide our clients with expert local jurisdictional knowledge. We work in conjunction with advisors and maintain a degree of flexibility while building trust with clients.

Efficiency and technology

We consistently operate under strict compliance policies that meet global standards by paying very close attention to changes in laws, regulatory policies and international treaties. Our infrastructure has been designed and customised to provide a full suite of service with the comprehensive wealth solution.

Our Services

We focus on Hong Kong and Singapore fund administration services and support on registered Cayman fund.
We support the structures:

Open and Closed Ended Vechicles

SPV structures

Property Funds

Debt Funds

Private Equity Vehicles

Our professionals have extensive experience with unique assets including limited partnership interests, stocks, bonds and other marketable securities.

Why Choose Newbit Financial Service?

Technical Based

Our customized infrastructure uses different accounting solutions which enables the most appropriate system to be selected depending upon expectation and requirements of each client.

Efficient Teamwork

Our professionals work as a team with carefully chosen third-party investment firms or with an investment advisor who has an established relationship with the client or family establishing the trust. This collaboration engenders both consistency and continuity.

Responsive Service

With our low client-to-professional loading, we are available to answer questions or discuss concerns. Our clients have a designated team of professionals assigned to each trust relationship.

Singular Focused

We devote our skills, expertise, and resources to trust administration and management.

High Flexibility

Our clients experience less “red tape” than they may encounter elsewhere. We streamline our decision-making for our clients’ benefit. At the same time, we maintain a degree of flexibility to enable integration of any products in existing business arrangements and relationship.

Effective Supervision

We continually monitor the performance of the investment professionals managing trust assets and are prepared to replace an investment firm if such action is in the best interests of the trust and trust beneficiaries.